Monday 8 August 2016




Jihad means the strenuous striving for the sake of Lord to fulfill the 'aim of life' utilizing all the powers and bounties bestowed by Him. It is commanded to do Jihad only to true believers against the real disbelievers. Since Impartial Lord hasn't made compulsion in the Dheen (True way of life), there is no Jihad for the religious cause. Lord says in the verse 2:256: "There is no compulsion in Dheen. The right way has been made clear from the wrong ways. Therefore, anyone whoever rejects the arrogant ones and believes in Allah has grasped the Firmest Rope which will never break, Lord Allah is All hearing, All knowing". So one can be a believer by holding the 'Firmest Rope—Adhikr. The verses 10: 99-100 say: "If your Lord had so whished, everyone on Earth would have believed solemnly! So will you force mankind to become believers? It is not up to any soul to believe unless with Allah's Permission; He places a blight on those who don't use their intelligence." So male or female will not become a believer without Adhikr, which is the Permission of Lord.

Man is given freedom either to be grateful or ungrateful, i.e. to select either the way of Lord or the ways of Satan. So the believer has to do Jihad for the persistence of such a situation. The aim of life is returning to the Paradise (the House of Lord) utilizing the 'Ticket—Adhikr'. Through both in the verses 73: 19 and 76: 29 Lord says: "Indeed This is the Ticket for the one who selects the way to his Lord". The heedful believers only utilize the Ticket in the 4th phase's journey testifying the verse 69: 48. The believer will not only holdfast Adhikr, but also will propagate It to entire mankind. By conveying the Lord's Message Adhikr, he is actually helping the Lord, and then the Lord will help him back as told in the verses 22: 40 and 47: 7. Remember that Lord has given freedom for everyone to accept or reject the Ticket after It has come to them. Lord says in the verse 16: 44: "We have revealed 'Adhikr' into you which contains all the previous Books and their explanations, so that you may clearly explain the mankind what has been revealed to them, in order that they may meditate and reflect". So there should be freedom for the propagation of Adhikr throughout the world.

Today the Muslims are bearing Qur'an (the body of the Book) as burden carrying donkeys without considering Its soul, so they will only prevent and avoid the propagation of Adhikr—the Straightpath. The countries having majority of 'other people' such as India, America, Britain, France, Switzerland and China, there will be no obstruction for propagating Lord's Book—Adhikr. But in Muslim majority regions such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Egypt, there is no freedom even to introduce Adhikr as the Lord's Book which is meant for entire mankind.

The verse 9: 6 says: "If any Mushrik asks you (believer) for protection, then grant him asylum, escort him to a place where he can find peace and safety; it is because they are the people who haven't heard about Adhikr—Real Knowledge". Here mentioned Mushriks are those who associate others in the dominion of the Lord before receiving Adhikr, where the Mushriks mentioned in the verses 33: 73; 98: 6; 48: 6 are those who associate others in the dominion of Lord after receiving Adhikr.

Therefore, the odd believer should do Jihad with Adhikr against these 'Muslim disbelievers' who by hiding and rejecting It force the people to accept their satanic way of life. Since Adhikr is the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium, believer also will propagate It among entire mankind irrespective of nation or religion.

Jihad is the inevitable duty of an individual and group of believers. During the period of Prophet there was a group of believers, so fighting with body, weapons and wealth were included in Jihad as told in the verses 9: 111 and 61: 10. At any circumstance, to kill women/children/old men/handicapped/patients, harming the animals, destroying the cultivations etc. are not permitted in Islam. Today since there is no group of believers anywhere in the world, the odd believer should do Jihad with Adhikr—the Safeguard—against the Kafirs testifying the verse 25: 52 which says: "You should not obey the disbelievers; strive against them with the utmost strenuousness using Adhikr". Kafirs mentioned in the verse are those who hide and reject the Book after receiving It.

The people who received the Book belong to two parties: One is the "Believer Lord's party" and other is the "disbeliever Satan's party". Today the various Muslim groups in the world are belonging to the Satan's party. So the believer 1 in 1000 who belongs to the Lord's party will do Jihad against different Muslim groups. Then what will be the approach of the believer towards the 'other people belonging to the Prophet's community' such as Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Jews, Christians? The believer will introduce them the Lord's Message Adhikr which is the Safeguard/Shield to protect from all disasters, calamities, diseases, evils etc. as well as the strongest Weapon to do Jihad against terrorism. Lord says through the verse 29: 69: "And those who do Jihad in Our cause, indeed We will guide them into Our ways. Indeed Lord is with those who follow the Best Book—Husna". That means the believer who do Jihad against the original Kafirs and terrors are 'Muhsins'; and they are only living in the Straightpath. The verse 22: 78 ends as: "And you holdfast with Allah, He is the Master of you what a Best Master and what a Best Helper!" So anyone who holdfasts Adhikr (the Safeguard), actually he is holding fast the Lord of the worlds (the Safeguard mentioned in the verse 59:23). Today, if there is a group of believers present among Muslims, they are commanded to witness Prophets' life among mankind testifying both the verses 2: 143 and 22: 78 which say: "You might be witness upon mankind such as the Messenger witnessed upon you". But the Muslims by hiding Adhikr (Book of Witness) are serving Satan and are following 29 pseudo prophets.

Through both the verses 9: 73 and 66: 9 Lord orders by calling the Prophet, and today the odd believer: "Do Jihad against the Kuffar and hypocrites, and behave harshly with them; their return is to the Hell". Kuffar specified in this verse as well as anywhere in the Book like in the verses 9: 68, 123 and 48: 29 are those who repeatedly hide or reject Adhikr after receiving It. It is told in the verses 4: 150-151 that all the different groups of Muslims are the real Kafirs; and for them heinous punishment is kept reserved. In the verse 11: 17 it is told: "Anyone from groups of Muslims hides and rejects Adhikr—the Book of Witness/ Guide/ Mercy/ Truth/ Explanation—then Fire is promised to him". Note that it isn't mentioned 'anyone from mankind', instead it is told 'anyone from the groups of Muslims'. The hypocrites who hide, distort, and prevent Lord's verses as well as their blind followers who reject the verses are the inmates of Hades is told in the verses 2: 39; 5: 10, 86; 57: 19 and 64:10. They are the worst people near Allah since they don't hear Adhikr and don't speak It to others.

The latest Book Adhikr revealed to Prophet Muhammed was in his people's language—Arabic. Most of them were literates whereas Muhammed and most of his followers were illiterates. So during the period of Prophet, Kafirs included the people of the Book (Jews & Christians) and his own people. But today the Kafirs include the hypocritical leaders who are hiding, distorting and misinterpreting the verses of the Book; and the Kuffar who are repeatedly rejecting and hiding all the verses of Lord Allah. In the verse 48: 29 says: "Muhammed is the Messenger of the Lord, and those who with him are strict hard against the Kuffar and compassionate in between them". Today Muslims are not leading or witnessing Prophet's life among mankind anywhere in the world. 'Other people' are not rejecting the Lord or Prophet generally. If any exceptional voice is raising from any part of the world against Lord or Prophet, it is due to the lack of their Real Knowledge about Islam. It is also due to the worst people Muslims' false propagation of Islam as well as their boasting that they are the people of Prophet and Islam without having the Truth—Adhikr. If the 'other people' criticize or blame Prophet or Islam by seeing Muslims' worst way of life, the burden of it should be borne by the hypocrites and Kuffar near Lord Allah, the Impartial. Lord says in the verse 33: 73 : "The Trust—Adhikr—is revealed in order to punish the hypocritical men and hypocritical women as well as the men and women who associate others in the dominion of the Lord; and to accept the repentance from the believing men and believing women, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

In the verse 83: 7 it is told: "The Ledger of Fujjar is in 'Sijjeen' of the Hell". The 'Fujjar' includes both the hypocritical leaders and their blind followers. The virtuous people's ledger is in 'Illiyeen' of the Paradise as mentioned in the verse 83: 18. So the virtuous one can ascend the heavens by utilizing Adhikr—the Light— as the vehicle and can register his righteous deeds in the ledger 'Illiyeen'.


Terrorism means the deliberate commission of an act of violence to create an emotional response thorough the suffering of the victims in the maintenance of political, social and religious agenda. Today Muslims across the world are divided into different fractions and became 'Mushriks'; each group rejoices with what they have by rejecting the verses 30: 31-32 and 23: 51-53. Some of them are compelling their motives upon others. Some Muslim groups in order to get supremacy over other Muslim groups and over 'other people' (belonging to Messenger Muhammed's community) are involved in terrorist activities such as bloodshed, kidnapping, raping and robbery. By hiding the Truth (Adhikr) they themselves decide/declare that they are the believers and all 'other people' (who didn't receive the Book) are disbelievers. And they try to justify their terrorist acts as Jihad. Actually they are doing Jihad for the sake of Satan. Yes, these pseudo Jihadists are welcoming the 30th pseudo prophet Antichrist Satan and are hurrying for the Dooms Day.

For doing the pseudo Jihad, the transgressing hypocrites are recruiting the youths offering money, drugs, females, kids for sodomy, liquor etc. By providing these worldly enjoyments and leading them to heinous deeds, later as a confession the leaders tell them: "You have to kill our enemies acting as suicide-bombers in order to reach Paradise where you will get the virgin ladies". These human devils even don't know that the inmates of Paradise will not have sexual organs and sexual intercourse is the forbidden fruit there. Therefore, instead of earning Paradise they are earning Hellfire where the Kafir male and Kafir female will dwell there by threading penises through the vaginas which they were wishing in the worldly life. The terrorists who are helping and serving Satan are not considering the fact that the Rooh (Spirit) for everyone is from the Lord. By killing a man (separating Rooh from the body), they are actually killing the Lord. This Mujrims (mad men) who don't utilize their intelligence are giving more importance to bodily and worldly life than the Hereafter. The wrongdoing people are those who are forbidding the mankind from the way of Lord—Adhikr—and are trying to twist It and they are not believing in the Hereafter as told in the verses 11: 18-19. Their so called Ulamas (hypocritical leaders) are not preventing or admonishing them from any mischievous activities or bloodshed. They are the real enemies of Lord, Messenger and the believers, who have been killed by the Lord as told in the verses 41: 26-28 and 63: 4. 'They have been killed' means, they are just like in sleeping condition; i.e. they have only life without soul. Lord asks through the verse 32: 18: "Is then a man of belief is just like a man of transgression? Nay they are not equal". Today if any Muslim who reads these verses doesn't become a believer with Adhikr, he is a transgressor. The verse 9: 67 says: "The hypocritical men and hypocritical women, they belong to same group, they command with evil things and forbid what is Just (Adhikr); they will hold close their hands without paying charity, they have forgotten Lord, so He has forgotten them. Indeed the hypocrites are the transgressors". About these transgressors in the verse 58: 19 says: "They are included in the party of Satan and such are the losers". It is told in the verse 2: 99: "None hides the verses of the Lord except the transgressors". In the verse 59:19 says: "The transgressors are those who by hiding and rejecting Adhikr—the Wise Reminder—have forgotten Lord Allah as well as their own souls. Indeed Satans from both men and Jinns are abstained away from hearing Adhikr as told in the verse 26: 212. They are the people who read in the verse 5: 32 that if anyone who kills a person except as a punishment for murder or for causing mischief in the land, it will be as if he had killed the whole mankind; and if anyone who spares life, acts as if he had granted life to the whole mankind. The hypocritical leaders should have to bear the burden of themselves as well as the burden of those whom they misled without having the Real Knowledge, what a worst burden they have to bear is warned through the verse 16: 25. The leaders of Muslims are entitled to learn and teach Adhikr—the soul of the Book—for entire mankind in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the world. If anyone neglects this responsibility, he should bear the burden of it on the Day of Judgment. The verse 20: 99-101 say: "If anyone neglects Adhikr (the Message), he should bear the burden on the Day of Judgment; they will abide in it forever, what a worst burden they have to bear on the Day of Judgment". If any Muslim doesn't drop the burden carrying on his neck by testifying and propagating Adhikr, he is carrying evil burdens as told in the verse 6: 31.

Today we can see in every Muslim country such as Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen that they are divided into different groups, killing and slaughtering each other falsifying the Book—Adhikr, all the Messengers and the Lord. Muslims, the real disbelievers mentioned in the verses 4: 150-151 are teaching their children in 'Madrassas' (religious schools) that all non-Muslims are Kafirs (disbelievers). They are not paying 'Zakath' or 'Sadaqa' (charity) to the people other than Muslims. They are not even considering 'other people' as the creatures of the Lord. They are not considering or agreeing the fact that Prophet Muhammed is sent for entire mankind rejecting the verses 7: 157-158; 21:107 and 34: 28. While the previous people slew their Prophets at once without any justification, today Muslims by bearing Prophets' name and by indulging in heinous and shameful deeds are actually torturing Prophets which is more heinous than slaying Prophets at once. Due to this, all their deeds will be futile and they have disgrace in this world as well as in the Hereafter. That is because the hypocritical leaders are hiding and obstructing mankind from Adhikr (Creator Lord's Book); instead they are those who learn and follow, and command the people with falsehood books written by the creatures. The hypocrites who have been given the verses of Lord slipped away from them, as a result Satan persuaded him and he became aimless, followed his whims, his parable is that of a dog which will never change its attitude whether it is disturbed or not; that is the parable of the people who reject Lord's verses as told in the verses 7:175- 176. In the verse 7: 179 it is told that, most of the Jinns and humans are decided to be filled up in the Hell, they have hearts but they don't understand the aim of life, they have eyes but they do not see the Insight with it, they have ears, they do not hear Adhikr with it, they are like cattle; nay, they are the most strayed than them and such are the heedless. Here mentioned heedless are the aimless. Both the hypocritical leaders and weaklings are mentioned as the worst creatures in the land and they are the inmates of Hellfire from mankind as told in the verse 98: 6.

Whoever involves in bloodshed or mischievous activities such as sodomy, prostitution, rape, fornication and incendiary anywhere in this world; the hypocritical leaders and the Kuffar should have to bear the punishment near the Lord Allah. Lord Allah is Merciful only to the believers, whereas for the disbelievers and wrongdoers Lord will take revenge. The verse 32:22 says: "Who is more unjust than the one who has been reminded with the verses of Lord ; then neglected them; indeed We will revenge such Mujrims (mad men)." In the verse 7: 40 Lord says: "Those who reject Our verses and feel too arrogance towards them, the gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter the Paradise- until a camel can pass through the eye of tailors' needle, thus We reward the Mujrims". Here and every verse in Qur'an Mujrims include the weakling followers and the hypocritical leaders. Terrorists think that they are serving Lord and are doing Jihad for the sake of Lord; but according to Adhikr—the Criterion from Lord—they are serving Satan without using their intelligence as mentioned in the verses 36: 59-62. Lord says in the verse 21: 10: "Indeed We have sent down a Book, In It you are remembered; will you not think by utilizing your intelligence". That means, Adhikr is the Book in one's heart's language which reminds every individual, his position both in this world and in the Hereafter. As told in the verse 9: 65, actually by rejecting Adhikr (the Wise Reminder) hypocrites are ridiculing Lord Allah and His Messenger.

On the Day of Judgment, these wrongdoing hypocrites and disbelievers will wail: "Woe to me! If I had not selected so-and-so as my intimate friend, he had obstructed and misled me from Adhikr after It had come to me; Satan was a traitor to mankind" is told in the verse 25: 29. As per the verse 25: 30 on the Day of Judgment, the Messenger will come with Qur'an and tell: "My Lord, indeed my own people neglected this Qur'an and flew away from It; that is the cause for this unfortunate condition of them". Saint people will say about this worst people on the Day of Judgment: "These people became bore since they forgot Adhikr—the Safeguard and Shield against the Hell". About their hypocritical leaders, it is asked by the Lord to the Prophet: "Don't you see those who pervert the Mercy of the Lord (Adhikr) into disbelief; and permit their people the Hell—the house of bores" as per the verses 14: 28-29. Whoever from among Muslims who had veil upon their eyes about the Book Dhikree (Adhikr), and those who didn't even hear It will enter the Hell as told in the verse 18: 100-101. It is told that the curses of Lord, Angels and those who entitled to curse are upon the hypocrites who hide Adhikr (Guidance sent down from Lord for whole mankind) is told in the verses 2: 159-162. The verse 2: 174-175 say: "Those who hide Adhikr, and those who earn mere price with It, they are not eating into their bellies except fire. Lord will not speak to them on the Day of Judgment, nor will He purify them; and they will have painful torment. Such are the ones who have purchased astray instead of Guidance and torment instead of forgiveness; then what a patience they are showing upon the Fire". Today the Imams (one who guides in prayer) of Muslims all over the world including 'Masjidul Haram' (Makha) are hired ones and they are filling their bellies with fire. These wrongdoing fools neither know the name of the 'Splendid Book' is Adhikr nor even know the total number of verses of the Book is '6236'. The verses 3: 91 says: "Surely, as for those who disbelieve and die while they are 'Kuffar'(disbelievers), if they were ready to give Earth filled of gold as ransom (to escape from the punishment of Hell), it will not be accepted. There will be a painful punishment for them, and they will have no helpers." The verses 5: 36; 10: 54; 13: 18 and 39: 47 are also giving the same warning.


The verse 3: 10 says: "Certainly, for those who hide the Truth, neither their wealth nor their children will benefit them from Allah. And such are only the firewood for the fire". Presently, Muslims all over the world are reading these verses. Most of them are teaching 'the reading of Book'. Some of them even teach Its meaning which is the 'life of It'. But none of them learns or teaches Soul of the Book—Adhikr—which is the Food, Cloth and Sight of Jinn comrade. Actually they are teaching the children Quran same as Jews were teaching their Book to their children during Prophet's period. As per the verses 2: 146 and 6: 20 those to whom Allah has given the Book recognize him (Prophet) as they recognize their own children. But by rejecting the Wise Reminder Adhikr, they are not following or witnessing Prophet's life among mankind, instead they are blindly following 29 pseudo prophets and are hurrying to welcome 30th pseudo prophet Maseeh-A-Dajjal (Antichrist). Prophet foretold about this when he was in Makkah itself. From Prophet's teaching reported by mother of Ibnu Abbas; she said: "One night when we were at Makha, Prophet awoke and asked three times as Oh Allah, didn't I convey?. Then Umer awoke and replied: Yes, you did. Then in the morning Prophet said: Islam will spread all over the world, and then it will be replaced with refusals. The people of overseas (Europeans and Americans) will laugh at Islam. Then another period will come in which the people will study and recite Qur'an, and they will say and ask: We are reciting and teaching Qur'an, then who is better than us? Then Prophet asked: Is there any goodness in them? Followers asked: Oh Prophet, who are they? Prophet replied: They are from among you; such are the fuel of the Fire".

The verse 2: 62 says: "Certainly those who believe from among Muslims, those who are Jews, Christians, Sabeans, anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and acts honorably will receive their reward with their Lord and there shall be no fear upon them, and for them will not be grieved." From the verse it is very clear that among Muslims the believer who prepares Paradise in this 4th phase will only triumph. But in the case of 'other people' belonging to the community of Prophet Muhammed like Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Jews, Christians if they believe in Lord and the Last Day and do righteous deeds for the welfare of all creatures, there shall be no fear upon them and for them will not be grieved. It is warned in the verses 6: 89-90: "This is nothing but a Reminder for the entire world. If this people (Muslims) hide It, We will entrust It to a people who will not hide It".


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